Developing Leaders for Ministry Service

Student Code of Honor

Code of Honor Pledge
All students are required to abide by the HBI Code of Honor Pledge, which sets forth specific guidelines regarding good, moral and ethical behavior. Upon admission to HBI, all students are required to read and sign the proceeding Code of Honor Pledge to acknowledge their acceptance thereof. A copy of the signed pledge will remain in the student’s academic file.

I fully recognize that Harvest Bible Institute (HBI) is committed to Christian ministry and HBI offers a lifestyle of commitment to Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord, as an integral part of their evangelistic outreach. It is therefore my personal commitment to be a person of integrity in my attitude and respect for what this institution is called to be as a Christian institute.

I PLEDGE to apply myself wholeheartedly to my intellectual pursuits and to use the full powers of my mind for the glory of God.

I PLEDGE to grow in my spirit, developing in my own relationship with God.

I PLEDGE to develop my body with sound health habits by participating in wholesome activities.

I PLEDGE to cultivate good relationships socially with others and to seek to love others as I love myself. I will not lie, I will not steal, I will not curse, and I will not be a talebearer.

I PLEDGE to keep my total being under subjection from all immoral and illegal acts and habits, whether on or off campus. To this end, I will not take any illegal drugs, I will not commit illicit sexual acts, including homosexual behavior, I will not drink alcoholic beverages of any kind, I will not use tobacco, I will not engage in other behavior that is contrary to the rules and regulations listed in the HBI Student Handbook.

I PLEDGE to maintain integrity to “openness” to God’s claim on my life, and to do my utmost to know and follow His will for my life.

I PLEDGE to attend classes, all required Chapel Services on campus, and to attend the house of worship of my choice wherever God is honored and lifted up.

I PLEDGE to abide by the rules and regulations that may from time to time be adopted by HBI.

I understand that this institution is a private institution and I have no vested rights in the governance of it. I accept my attendance as a PRIVILEGE and not a right and that this institution reserves the right to require the withdrawal of a student at any time if in the judgment of the President and/or Dean, such action is deemed necessary to safeguard the institution’s ideals of scholarship or the spiritual and moral atmosphere of a Christian institution.

I will keep this CODE OF HONOR carefully and prayerfully. I understand that my acceptance of the entire CODE OF HONOR completes a contract between me and the institution, which is a prerequisite for matriculation and becomes a part of my permanent file.